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Password Policy


[services animation=”slideInLeft” align=”center” image=”” title=”Strong Password Generator”] [passgen length=10 special=1] [/services]

domain-password-securityYour HostNed hosted domain is a very powerful resource for web developers and users alike. As frameworks like WordPress and Concrete5 (which we provide free with all web hosting accounts) become more popular, hackers and malicious bots are constantly sniffing for vulnerabilities.

A Strong Password is the First Line of Defense

Quite simply, a “strong” password is one that is hard to guess. This means:

  • The longer the better. The more characters overall, the lower the chances it can be guessed or cracked. We recommend using at least 8 characters, or better yet 10 or more for minimum length.
  • Use both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers.
  • Use special characters.


Password Generator

[services animation=”slideInLeft” align=”center” image=”” title=”Strong Password Generator”] [passgen length=10 special=1] [/services]